Wowsers! What a Whirl-wind Weekend This Was!

My oh my has this been a busy, busy weekend. Big sis brought a U-haul truck up with their stuff from a storage unit in Cedar City to put into a storage unit in American Fork. They did get approved and accepted for the 4-bedroom basement apartment to rent in American Fork. Little sis was busy after she got off work taking her trailer over to pick up newlywed’s new mattress and haul it to their new apartment. Somewhere in her journey’s the trailer got a flat tire. This despite the fact she had taken her trailer over to car repair shop and had all 3 tires repaired (valve stem, valves, whatever else they needed) on Wednesday (to pick up on Thursday). Thursday I came down with a very nasty cold-probably the same virus that bro&sis in law have because his developed into bronchitis (I haven’t gotten that bad for the past 20 years and thank you very much I don’t want to) and her’s developed into pneumonia (I have never had that and don’t want to go there thank you very, very much). But a t...