23 Nickels
We are on vacation. Yes, yes... there are those:
Where is...
I can't find...
I think we were supposed to turn back there...
I was sure I put it...
Are we there yet? (lots of those)
Are we lost?
I don't want to be lost.
We're on an adventure...
What exactly is the purpose behind a vacation?
I thought it was a combination of things like:
1) it was to re-create or rather refill your empty "me" with fun stuff-lots of it!
2) to see and learn about stuff you've always wanted to see and always wanted to learn about.
3) To visit family and sometimes be reminded of why you love them most when they're farther away and for some family it's the salve to a lament of wish we lived closer so we could help with little things like:
a) chores
b) errands
c) big things (like replacing the electric box and circuit breakers)
I guess I could complain that it just isn't fair while we're on vacation.
I guess I could say how dare she ask we spend o...