Little Red Wagon Ride equals Candy Corn

Mom needed to take a trip to the neighborhood grocery store. Hey-back then that's what there was. There was no big super store and no chain grocery stores of any significance. So don't be thinking why not just a trip to a big store-back then most city dwellers did NOT have their own ride-they relied on a bus or even cheaper than that-shoe-leather express.

I was small enough and we were going to get groceries she would have to carry so with Bobby and I in tow she used (I don't know if we had one or if she borrowed a neighbors) a little red wagon.

I was so slow afoot, I got to ride in the wagon to the store and back again. I was sitting toward the back of the wagon and hung my right hand over the side. Somehow I found the wheel with the inside of the far side of my right middle finger and I let it drag against the wheel. There were a couple times I twisted my hand and my finger kind of got stuck. There were a couple times she realized what I was doing and yelled at me to stop it. But for the most part I kept dragging the inside of my middle finger against the wheel.

By the time we got home I had worn a hole through the skin. Oh, when she saw the blood she had a fit and a half-almost a conniption fit. She traced down the blood, cleaned it up and realized her expenses for the day were not over. We then had to find a way to the doctors office. I don't know if we bused it or how we got there. I don't remember if she took Bobby with us or left him with a neighbor.

I do remember when the doctor looked at it, he was not a happy camper. He had a horrible mess to try and mend. I guess he did a pretty good job of it. The scar forms a sciwampus K-shaped scar-almost an X. Well I hollared and screamed and cried and carried on. Lots of yelling from the doctor, mom and the nurse did nothing to abate my fear. Finally the nurse opened a drawer and said, "If you can hold still and be quiet while the doctor finishes you can have one of these." And in that drawer were several bags of candy corn. I shut up. I knew sugar was my friend!

That's my wagon and candy corn story and that's how I got that ugly scar. Yip-I'm smart alright. Even though mom knew that what I was doing would hurt me and she warned me in her own way-I was too smart for her and did it anyway. Boy can I relate to Jane Eyre! Willful. Stubborn. Passionate!


Ruth Sarah said…
I want to laugh... I know I shouldn't... but I want to... why? because I've gotten after David many times the last couple of years... he used to put his fingers on the tire of the jogging stroller... or rest his foot on the wheel in front of the stroller... I can totally picture you doing this!

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