A Blog opinion...

In my eyes, I feel strongly that the writer of the blog has two responsibilities. First and foremost-tell the truth. It may be as you see it and therefore if there were 1, 2, 3 or more persons involved when the 'truth' happened-they will each have a version (probably differing) of the 'truth'. Tell it anyway. They can tell their version of it. Which brings me to the second responsibility.

Second-express yourself. Something I learned from a marriage and family counselor was when someone makes an "I feel..." statement it is not to be refuted. The person is expressing themselves from their perspective-accept it. You don't have to agree with it-but arguing is not acceptable. When you feel something-you feel it. That's all there is to it. Accept it.


Ruth Sarah said…
Have you seen "Hoodwinked" yet? ...Point one is the thesis behind the movie... definitely a must see cartoon!!!

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