Went to IKEA on our date and bought a simple train set

It was a very simple, inexpensive, no bells & whistles train set. And then we brought it home and it brought out some very interesting personality traits. Those of a 5 year old, those of a 58 year old and those of a nearly 30 year old! See what I mean:

Little D was all excited and I helped him open the package so he could put the new bridge in while g-pa Dove was going down stairs to get the crock pot so we could cook beans for dinner for the next night (start them the night before and they’re soft and perfect the next day). When I had my back turned little D took the bridge and the new trains, went to the spare bedroom where his train tracks are set-up willy-nilly all over the floor, put in the new bridge and started playing with the new trains. Now, I’d like to mention that Little D had already received one of these train sets at Christmas time-but obviously one is not enough-hence G-pa Dove had to have this addition for his coffee train table set up! When G-pa Dove came upstairs and saw his coffee table train set disassembled and the new box of tracks empty and gone he had a royal 2 year old conniption fit! Little Mama and I just laugh about it now. He was so upset and angry-I think he felt guilty about his behavior and reaction because he/Dove didn’t have his fit around me, just around Little D and Little Mama-she’s the one who told me. Then as Little Mama gathered up Dove's new train parts Little D started crying louder and harder-having his own 5 year old conniption fit. While Little Mama gathered up the new train parts I took Little D to the front room and sat down with him in my lap. Got him to stop crying and set a date to take him to IKEA next Friday and buy him a new set. He earned $11 last summer selling his carrots so I figure we could use that money (I hope Little Mama still knows where it’s at) and I will chip in the other $5 and we will buy his trains!

I just can’t get over it! Dove is 58 years old and he was having a 2-year old style fit about his trains! What a funny, funny guy! It’s really true, the difference between a man and a boy is the price of the toy! You couldn’t relate to that now could you? Or could you? :)


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