Choice Spirits...

I was once promised by a wise sage, "Remember always that your greatest mission and gift shall be that of a mother. Choice spirits of your Heavenly Father shall be entrusted to your care. By the love and teachings which you give them and the example which you set, they shall grow strong in the faith and be powers for good throughout all the world."

That said back when I was 17 years old and clueless what my future may hold, it's interesting to take a look back and see what could possibly have been meant by this promise.

1) One child went to Guatemala and taught a baker in a mountain village how to make pizza. I'm not sure but I think he broke the prime directive (Star Trek fans can relate to that one.)
2) One child went to Iraq and Afghanistan to give those people the choice to be free-if they want it.
3) One child worked on refurbishing computers which were then sent throughout the world enabling people in places they wouldn't normally be able to get access to genealogy, to be able to do it, in preparation for Temple Work which would in turn free ancestors from Spirit Prison.
4) One child wrote a story for an international magazine offering hope and strength in adhering to gospel principles (Enormous problems are oft solved through applications of simple principles).
5) One child wrote a story for an international magazine offering hope and strength where shadows are so hidden in the darkness they're oft times unrecognized until so much later a life could be warped, twisted, and ruined. This child also wrote a story encouraging hope and strength.
6) One child exercised a parable of an eternal principle for a class of about 30 students to help them all grasp the Atonement.
7) One child was everything to everyone in YSA and as a Stake emissary and then fought its own pride and broke all 'proven' statistics to do what was best for its offspring.

Powers for good.
Throughout the world.

Why do I have so many gray hairs? I know. I know whose they really are-Who they belong to, Who has bought and paid for their souls. I know. It isn't for me to worry about. But if you don't mind, I'll grab a tissue right about now and say yet another prayer for them. He knows. He is patient with me. He has also promised me that, "He is mindful of your every need and desire."

He knows. I know He does.


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