Satan Will Be Bound

"And because of the righteousness of his people, Satan has no power: wherefore, he cannot be loosed for the space of many years; for he hath no power over the hearts of the people, for they dwell in righteousness..." 1 Nephi 22:26

I've wondered about that largely because I wonder and ponder on His second coming-what it will be like and how long it will last-but mostly what will be in the hearts of the people that they can and will be in such a state of peace.

So I've boiled it down to two questions. What constitutes righteousness? A simple answer to that may be obedience. What then constitutes obedience?

I'm so far from perfect and have little hope of really making it there so I wanna know what it takes to be righteous.

Checking the Bible Dictionary it has a list of 'See also':

equity, perfection, Standard of Righteousness, godliness, good works, holiness, honesty, integrity, judgment, sanctification, truth, uprightness, walking with God.

So what is the list for obedience? Here's the list of 'See also':

baptism, commandment, commitment, dedication, diligence, do, duty, faith, family, Standard of Righteousness, will of God, good works, hearken (means to go and do), honoring parents, loyalty, observe, require, serve, steadfastness, subject, submit, walking with God.

IF you only look at the commonalities of 'Standard of Righteousness', 'good works', and 'walking with God', then you would yet be compelled to keep as your core behaviors the other items in both lists for they are behaviors that fit hand-in-hand.

Seems that the old saying is true, birds of a feather, flock together. Whether you're speaking of friends or characteristics, seems, yet again, a truth is just that, a truth and you can't lie a truth away.

Interesting isn't it. Even though Satan will be bound due to the righteousness of the people, it does not say the 'perfect'-ness of the people. Perfection, evidently, is yet a higher plane-a higher life.

Eternal lives? Does that mean living at higher and yet higher levels?


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