What Constitutes Old? What Constitutes Young?

The older I get the younger they look.

So I was looking around today and had a goofy thought come to me. (I know, I know. That's always a dangerous thing to have happen.)

They may look at me and think, "Ugh! Old!" Whereas I look at them and think, "One of these days, you may count yourself as lucky to be 'old'!"

Perspective. That's what constitutes old or young. When in yourself, looking through your eyes at the mirror when do you first see 'old'. As long as you're looking only at your pupils, you may not even notice that you have become old.

Is it that first gray hair? When you are 18 and wanting to be mature, hating being considered so young, looking for wisdom, light and truth and finding a gray hair what's your thought? Dye it? No, it's more, 'bring it on!'

Is old bad? Again the answer is perspective. If old is being no longer pliable or believing you have all the answers and all the truth, then yes, old is bad. If old is still seeking truth, light, wholesomeness and knowledge then old is good.

Is young bad? Again the answer is perspective. If young is being so set on cutting your own path-any path-so long as it isn't following the 'old' ways, it may be bad. If young is ever reaching for and to new knowledge, light, truth, wholesomeness and experience then young is good.

So decades down the road you find yourself looking in the mirror at your pupils then glancing at your whole face, and then your countenance and you see and know the youthful zeal you have in learning and which is now coupled with the wizened experience you are beginning to see eternity.

Old in this life is still a baby in eternity. Perspective.


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