Grocery Stores and Short-Order Cooks
I've wondered of late the relationship between grocery stores and short-order cooks. What's brought this to mind is watching my kids interact with my grandkids. I hear things like, "Well, I don't think he/she will eat that two days in a row," and "He seems to be a vegetarian," and "He only likes sweets." Say what?! Seriously? They eat what you fix. You fix what you can afford to buy. So what has changed since I was a kid who ate what my parents put on the table (coon, possum, deer, squirrel, fish)? And what of my parents? I never heard stories of them eating anything other than what was served. If you didn't like what you were served, guess what, the next meal will be here in about four hours and you can eat then. No issues. So what has really changed? Well let's see. A young mother goes through all the same things every mother has gone through. How to get the kid to eat enough so they'll sleep through the night, be healthy, b...