Stand Up for America -by Ezra Taft Benson 1965
I started listening to a 55 minute talk by Ezra Taft Benson. The scales hiding the darkness of socialism, liberalism, progressive movement and communism began to fall from my eyes and I saw things much more clearly than I had ever before. I began looking for a pdf of his talk. Surely something as powerful and applicable in our current arena of civil unrest could be found, right? I couldn't find it and I can usually find just about any document. The background of the video (thanks to First Vision, Gilbert Howe for making America On Path To Destruction available on YouTube) looks like the Tabernacle Organ on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. The audience appears to be a gathering of patriots-not a gathering of Saints. “Ezra Taft Benson speaks in 1965 to a large group gathered in Salt Lake City. He speaks as a citizen of the United States, and the former Secretary of Agriculture under President Eisenhower. This is in black and white, it’s very old but very prophetic of our time. It...