A Cerulean Blue Ice Cream

Being a grandma, I have a tendency to like to ‘kidnap’ one of our grand kids and take them out for an ice cream. Not just because I love my grand kids and want to establish a relationship with them, but also because I like ice cream. You learn a lot of things from your kids if you watch and interact with them. Things like you can’t leave a three-year old unsupervised with scissors for very long. Disaster is definitely going to happen. Or with a permanent marker…around leather furniture. That kind of learning from your kids. Guess what?! The learning goes on with grand kids too! I took a grandson out for an ice cream. Small shop, 31 flavors of ice cream to choose from. With so very many options to choose from, the choice can be overwhelming. He chose his favorite color. He loves cerulean blue, so it stands to reason, in the mind of a young child, that the ice cream flavor had to be as endearing to him as the color was. He ordered it, was handed it and took a lick and before ...