Painful aka Full of Pain

Pain and joy seem to have a very deep connection. Sometimes within one life and sometimes bridging more than one life. Within one life would be a mother and her child. Painful during pregnancy, childbirth and sometimes through the growing years and yet also so much joy! Bridging more than one life... That is what I'm pondering now. I have been pondering this ever since my youngest child achieved/earned his Eagle scout award. As I recall the challenge was from the Bishop. Whoever earned theirs first would be taken to Ruby River for a steak dinner. The Bishop's son was one of those young scouts. My husband was not the Bishop. My son was the first of that group and received the steak dinner. So much joy and righteous pride and yet... The Bishop's son seemed to become less and less active in church. It's been about a decade that I've watched and caught glimpses here and there and what I am seeing feels... painful. The Bishop's son was in my Ethics & Values class...