We Think Wrong
Sometimes I have thought that ' we ' are blessed when we do what's right and because of that and because we strive to avoid doing things that are 'not right', then only good things will happen to me. Well, excuse me, ' we ' did not get a theme park ticket to enter this life and sometimes bad things, sad things, hard things happen to goodly people. Well, even ' sometimes ' is a stretch from the truth. The ugly truth is, 'bad' happens in everyone's life on an ongoing basis. That is the nature of life, of mortality. Also, sometimes our perception of 'bad' is warped and wrong. An event may appear 'bad' at first, however given enough time we can learn that it-the bad event-was a blessing in disguise. Time. How to work through in your mind and heart over time the 'bad' event sometimes is the greatest challenge. The following society, scripture and song have been and continue to be my greatest source of strength through t...