The Adventures of Dove Step the Sheep-Chapter 9

Dove awoke with a start! He looked for Mimi but she was no where to be seen. Then he noticed his tail was long again. Then he heard someone shouting, "Dove, Dove, Dove!" Then he woke again and saw Mimi. She was whispering, "Dove, wake up." "What?" said Dove. "Shhhh, you passed out after the stink bug squirted you and in all your prancing around you landed under a beehive. Be quiet!" said Mimi. Things couldn't have felt more bleak to Dove. He had to make sure he was only hallucinating about being in a jungle where so many sheep were swallowed whole by an anaconda. And now he was under a beehive?! Things couldn't get worse. Then they did. There in his view was the biggest spider he had ever seen. Oh! Ewwww! Please let me wake up and be far, far away from this place. The wind was blowing but the spider merely bounced in the security of its very sturdy web. That was it. Dove couldn't take any more. He jumped up and ran pell-m...