You're My Favorite....
My sister-in-law (down syndrome) once said to me when we came to visit, "You're my favorite sister!" Do you have any idea how that made me feel? Man, I was on top of the world knowing that out of her eight or nine sister-in-laws and one blood sister, she called me her favorite. Then one of my brother-in-laws said, "Don't take her too seriously. She says that to all her sister-in-laws." Wind out of my sails moment. Kicked in the gut. But wait just a minute. Why 'let' him deflate me like that? There's absolutely no reason to allow him to make me feel less special to her. This whole 'lesson' took me a few years to process and decide how I felt about it and what I was going to do with it. Raising six children isn't always easy. Somewhere deep inside I wanted for them something I couldn't buy at the store. Something they couldn't buy at the store. I wanted them to know what they were doing right. I wanted them to know how special...