Picture Perfect Post Stamp
Some people like the idea of having a picture perfect post stamp yard. Not only that, they expect their neighbors to have one too. 'Keeping up with the neighbors' is a thing of the past-you all have to have it perfectly equally perfect, aka the new status quo. When I first heard about 'gated-communities' and then later about HOA (Home Owner Association neighborhoods) I had to think about it, pretty long and pretty hard. Right off I didn't like the concept. Largely because it sounds 'snootish' to me. Back to that kindergarten, 'You can join my club but he can't.' It also sounds clickish. True, true, birds of a feather do flock together (and they deserve each other-pot stirrers and finger pointers)-that's clickish enough, yes, yes. However, an HOA or gated-community appears to be an elite level of clicks and snoots. Today as I pondered it deeper, two things happened. One I was reminded of a Montgomery Gentry song, "What Do You Think About ...