You Happen to be Looking at Someone Who is....

It was supposed to be a 'normal' day. A simple day. Go to work, do your tasks, do some reading, answer e-mails, track down articles, create e-reqs, etc.

Halfway through the day things took a dramatic change. Jamie said, "I need some help with this. I'm not sure how to do this, but I need a black table cloth to cover this little shelf." Well, how big is it? How wide? Maybe we should just go take a look at it.

I bring a paper, pencil and measuring tape. 12" here, 24.5" there, and 36" here. He wants a freaking fitted sheet basically for this little shelf-with the back open.

Seeing that it was to have a glass distiller put atop it and knowing if the table cover had an overhanging lip of 2" or so at the back the cover would be more secure.

Jamie briefly explains how the back needs to be open for air flow purposes, but the bucket, pump, hoses, electrical accoutrements, etc. all need to be concealed. Then he said, "I'm not sure how to get this or where it could be found, but we need some sort of a black table cloth for this."

I look him straight in the eye and say, "You happen to be looking at an accomplished seamstress. I can do this."

I left work straightway, stopped long enough at the fabric store to pick up two yards of fabric, drove home, sewed, cut, ripped, hemmed and viola! Two hours later I was back at work with the cover.

It's a prototype. A first run. And coincidentally, an only run! Not bad though-even if I do say so myself.


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