Walnut Trees are a Bit Messy

Walnut trees grow big and provide a lot of shade. They have big leaves that block the sun. I enjoy the shade my neighbor's walnut tree provides my patio in the summer. It is totally AWESOME!

and the other side of this awesomeness is it hides things. Like hornets nests. And in the fall the leaves hide the patio and the lawn. And oh the leaves!

All summer getting them off the lawn and patio. Then the fall comes and so much more of both nuts and leaves to get rid of.

The leaves have a chemical in them, juglone, that can be toxic to lawn. It's one of those things you want to rake up and get off the lawn sooner than later.

And the nuts.... they fall all fall and winter and even a few in the spring-the ones the wind didn't blow off yet. Yes, walnut trees are a bit messy.

The hornet nest though, that was a bit of a shocker. I didn't notice it. But one afternoon Paul came to visit and he noticed it. We were all a bit surprised by it. It was really nice to be able to show it to our neighbor and she got it taken care of as quickly as possible.
So last Fall as I was driving down another street, I saw walnuts in the road that had been driven over by other cars and were a bit of a mess to look at. Broken walnut shells are sharp and pointy. Then I noticed the little birds. the tiny ones that winter over and weigh only ounces and need all the fats and proteins they can find, swooping in on this treasure trove of food! Someone else cracked the shells open for them and they could eat the sweet, fatty meat inside! What a blessing! What a tender Mercy from Heaven for them to be able to have a meal in the cold and harsh weather.

I look at that tree and most fruit bearing trees (even though the berries on some of those trees aren't the fruits we buy in the store) and see them in a whole different light. I've noticed out my office window the many different varieties of birds coming to dine on the berries. God in His mercy cares about the sparrows.
Matthew 10:29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.


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