It's All Her Fault

I have not felt this pain for such a long, long time. I have not cried with such a depth of feeling for an even longer time. The tears used to be for me, myself. Now they are for all the little children. I remember. I remember getting beat in the head. Whipped with a 1" wide leather colt training strap. Beat with open hands-my head as a ping pong ball. I remember feeling like I had little to no clothes and less toys. I remember being hungry-hurting because I was so hungry. She said listen to this song. I know you'll like it. She knows. She knows my history AND she knows how much I love little children. She knows how I have sobbed over Ethan Stacey's murder. So I listened. And I sobbed. Not for me this time. For Ethan. For the children trapped in poverty and abuse throughout the world. I sobbed. I now sob. Father protect them. Father I wish I could rescue them. Prayer of the Children by InsideOut Can you hear the prayer of the children? On bended knee, in the shadow of an ...