The Adventures of Dove Step the Sheep, Summer 2015

Written by:
Cousin Marbelle

Chapter 1
 Dove Step the sheep was born at a very, very early age. He loved the smell of his mother and the warmth of being near her. She was soft and warm. And she was very loving. Dove's first adventure was learning to stand on all four legs. Wow! Four legs to manage. What a job that was!

He watched his mom standing and knew he could learn to do it too. He thought, "If she can, I can."

 Illustrated by D

Dove Step put on leg on the ground. Then both hind legs. He lost his balance and put his front hoof on his mom. He had done it! He put his last leg on the ground."Mommy! I'm standing." WOW!" said Dove Step.So Dove's first learning experience was a wibbly-wobbly one! Talking seemed to come so easy. However, understanding what mama sheep said took more.

It had been a few weeks since Dove was born and he began to notice other sheep with their mothers in neighboring pens. Dove noticed his mom seemed to be anxious to be with the other sheep, almost as if she was thinking, "I'm cramped in this tiny pen. I want to be in the sun. I want to be free roaming. I want to be with the flock. I WANT OUT!"Soon enough, the nice man that gave the mama sheep food, let them out.

One day Dove felt very hot. "Boy! It's hot out here" he said. Then a man came with a shiny-buzzy thing and started cutting the wool off of the other sheep! What is he doing? thought Dove Step.

A rude thing happened next. Mama was shorn of her soft fluffy wool. Dove had not noticed how short mama's tail was. All the other baby sheep had long tails. Then the man used a detail band tool and put a think heavy band on his tail. "Oh! That hurts!" said Dove.  Then Dove said, "Stop!" But the farmer only heard, "maa, maa, maa."

Dove's body did start to feel cooler when his wool came off. His tail still hurt and he started running arouund screaming, "Ow! Ow! Ow! Mama, help! OW!" Then mama came and told Dove, "It will feel better in a couple days. I promise." She started to nuzzle Dove, causing him to calm down.

Mama was right! His tail did stop hurting in two days and four days later it fell off! Now his tail was short like all the other grown up sheep. He looked like all the other sheep so he knew he fit in.

Dove began spending more and more time romping, chasing and running with the other lambs.

One day he was having so, so much fun he lost all track of time. He had heard his mama bleating for him but he was having so much fun he didn't pay attention and come running.

He learned something new today. He learned that he could feel pain. He learned he could only be away from mommy sheep for a few hours before he needed to eat! Or his tummy would hurt. Then he learned his next lesson. If he didn't eat at his regular feeding times mommy hurt too because she would have so much milk for him. And because she hurt, when he tried to eat, she'd hoof at him a little.

One time Dove came running when his mommy called but a BIG sheep blocked him. It was a bully. The big sheep pushed Dove Step. "I have to get back to mama," Dove thought.  "What's wrong birdy?" said the bully. "Got a wool ball in your throat? Huh?" What the bully didn't notice was Dove Step saw a path and made his get away while the bully continued to insult him. Dove ran all the way to mama and had some nice, warm, milk. Mmmmmm.


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