Lucky Chances, Serendipity, Providence, Miracles

I define Lucky Chances as man's explanation for flat dumb luck.

I define Serendipity as good fortune that just happen to work out and maybe it was supposed to and if it was, then it will.

I define Providence as man's fudging an attempt at admitting maybe there is a higher Power or Being or Being of Power that may help things to happen the way we would like.

I define Miracles as God stepping in and taking care of business when it matters that He does and it doesn't break any of the rules and laws He has to live by-i.e. it doesn't take away any of our moral agency.

I see tiny miracles happening in my life and around me all the time. The more I open my eyes to them, the more I see.

Once in a while I am caught completely off guard and get blind-sided by a complete miracle. Case in point:

My printer has been acting up for the past several months. It lays a streak of smudge across the same area of each page it prints, every single time.

I was printing a copy of my youngest child's Patriarchal Blessing so it could be read for courage and strength. I printed the first page-a brief letter, it smudged, the second page jammed, I opened the printer, removed the jammed paper, it printed the next two pages immediately (the two pages of the Blessing) and miracle of miracles! They came out without a smudge.

Small? Yes. Miracle? Emphatically yes! It needed to be clean and clear and that was according to His design!


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