Animated Dinosaurs Alive!

Ben had fun walking through the 3D display of animatronics dinosaurs-including the life-sized TRex! It was a fun display and although science can only guess (thank goodness) at the sounds dinosaurs made, it was a loud and noisy lot! Yes-Ben was duly concerned on a couple of turns through the display. But he was always curious and interested. Through every display-the whole trip. It’s like his mind is a little sponge and he can’t get enough of learning!

Ben dug through the kids-intereactive-fossil dig and finally asked the adult in the area since the sign said you could keep one small 'found' fossil-how he could get one loose (the big white, firmly attached fossils wouldn't budge) and the adult said, 'Oh, there are some small ones in there-keep looking.' While the kids weren't watching, he went and got a bag of sharks teeth and started 'salting' the fossil field!


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