An Intrigue Snatched in a Moment

I had a good twenty minutes before my next event so I sat and watched the kittens and Barbie. Barbie was fascinated with a very slowly moving one inch long black object on the floor of the garage. She went over to it to investigate. She watched for a second, determined it was a live insect and thinking it must taste no worse than grasshoppers she started to bite it. But all of a sudden she backed off and ran away heading outside shaking her head the whole way like she had a very bad taste in her mouth. She tried water, wasn’t good enough, a scrap of food, wasn’t good enough and went out to work through it all.

Next Coco came wandering into the garage and amazingly he too saw that this slow moving inch long object was out of place and so had to investigate. He stuck his delicate and sensitive little nose down near it and quickly backed off, ran for the door, threw himself down on a rug and rubbed himself like he was trying to get rid of or pick up a strong scent.

Okay-now my curiosity was peaked so I headed over to investigate this object. It was a squash beetle! Ugh. And yes, I’ve squished enough of them to know that they stink. As I approached it I saw it assume the position stink bugs do to squirt and ward off any predator. Ha! That wasn’t going to scare me away so I stepped on it and walked away. Then the little black kitty had to come and investigate what all the folderol was about. Stuck its little nose into the squished mess, shook its head most disagreeably about the odor and scampered away.

So I got the shovel, scooped it up-yes I could smell it several feet away, and unceremoniously dumped it in the garbage can.


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