My first experience with Coke.
Bob and I helped Mom carry home some groceries one winters day. I think it was only a few blocks between our house and the neighborhood grocery store. As a four year old it seemed like a very great distance.
Mom had me carrying a six pack of bottled Coke. It was so heavy-for me. Mind you the bottles back then were relatively small they only held 6 1/2 ounces. Yes, there were six of them and yes they were in glass bottles and yes, I was only four so for me they felt very heavy. It was winter time, there was snow on the ground and hands were very cold. I whimpered and whined.
Mom and then Bob joined in telling me to go on. After a while I stopped and sat down in the cold snow (I told you I was stubborn). Mom said I'd get colder sitting there and I'd be warmer sooner if I'd get up and go home. I sat.
Pretty quickly they gave up and just walked off. I cried. It didn't stop them. It didn't even slow them down. So I ended up getting back up before they were out of sight and followed them home.
Solomon said, "These stories are funny."
Aaron's been chuckling quite a bit, too.
Thank goodness for computers. I can copy, paste and save these for my children. Then I can bore them with the same stories I love to be bored with.
Thanks for sharing.