Keith Kendrick invited me to a movie. We saw, “Krakatoa, East of Java”. It was intense and frightening that the earth so steady and regular, could erupt and cause such devastation.

We didn’t kiss or anything. His Mom drove us there, picked us up and brought us back. He was Catholic. I was Episcopalian.

I was 14. I was not LDS and therefore was not under prophetic direction to not date until the age of 16. Perhaps because I started dating (once or twice a year) when I was 14 is why I married at age 18.

I certainly know that I would have been better off in marriage had I waited another 2 years before dating. There’s something about steeling your passions for that additional two years-maybe thinking about what you really want or what’s really important just that much longer does the trick.

Beginning dating is kind of like taking the brownies out of the oven 2 minutes early. They’re still wonderful, but they’d be just that much better 2 minutes later. 2 more minutes of smelling them and anticipating them makes it all worth the wait. Yip, dating is like baking brownies. Wait until they’re ready, they’re better.

As Paul used to say, anything below the age of 16 is jailbait.


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