Fish Bones from Heifer


From a really BIG fish. Yip. I think that's what I would think IF I was living near the beach around the Sea of Arabia a few hundred years ago. I think that because I'm sure I would have seen dried and rotting carcasses from animals and would have seen their bones. If I was living near the beach I would probably have fish as part of my diet and would have been familiar with fish bones. But when I would see these things, I probably would have had a fear, having heard stories from others about HUGE fish in the great, nearly bottomless depths of the sea and I would probably draw a very wrong conclusion. Well half wrong. Here are the 'bones':

My dear friend 'Heifer' recently visited the Sea of Arabia and knowing I collect tiny bottles of sand from any and everywhere she brought back a water bottle filled with sand and a few sea shells. Among the shells were these coral pieces. Who knows where the tides brought them from. As I was cleaning them off and examining them, the thought occurred to me that if I didn't know any better, and under just the right circumstances I might not know what they are.

She also found a 1" cowrie:

And a couple limpets:

A few scallops or clams:

And I think some of these pieces are from oyster or clam shells:

And the sand there! Oh it is so fine, so soft. My puppy was sniffing it and it was blowing all over with his exhale! I think this would be fun for a little seashell and sand Zen garden!


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