Santa Barbara is Burning

Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe my ears this morning when I saw that on the news. Of course, TV can only 'dedicate' so many seconds so I had to turn to the Internet to see more.

It brought back the memory of bouncing a ball on the playground at Monroe Elementary and watching the white ashes that covered the playground fly away momentarily. Santa Barbara wasn't burning that time. I think it was called the Coyote fire. It had come up through the mountains from the south being pushed by the Santa Ana winds.

This time they said the winds are from the north and they don't know the cause, as yet. This morning the TV announcer said that more than 13,000 people are evacuated from their homes in the hills above Santa Barbara. Oh my gosh! I wonder about Brooks Institute of Photography. Yeah-looking at the map it is in mandatory evacuation. That means so is my alma mater SBHS.

I found a map of the evacuated area. It may even involve the chapel where I was baptized!


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