What Are Your Thoughts On Evolution?

I believe that God created all things on the earth, flora, fauna, minerals, etc. Probably used natural laws, so probably the Big Bang. Now that I know light actually causes matter in a non-gravitational place to move faster-I can see Him and a host of others who emanate light, converge on a point where there's a lot of unorganized matter (like a nebulous-I'm woefully ignorant, maybe it would have to have a lot more than just some gas-although a sun dies because of fusion then fission and heavy metals created...) and get that all spinning and then planets start to form.

I believe He knows full well all about evolution. I believe He created humans in His own image. I believe He may have used hominids to do so. The reason that the great apes will never develop to the degree that humans have is because the intelligence which occupies their spirits is a lower intelligence than is occupied by human spirits. This is also why hominids were probably used by gods to develop to an acceptable level to house human spirits.

Fossil evidence is so overwhelming there had to have been an evolutionary process of many series of many species. I believe evolution is occurring today, but as Darwin pointed out, it’s so slow we don’t really see it.

Adam was placed in the garden after it was determined man was not found on the earth. Neanderthals would then not be candidates to host spirits of Heavenly Fathers spirit children. I believe that the evolutionary process of Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo sapiens, etc. had fulfilled the measure of their creation when Adam was placed on the earth.

So, what of the DNA similarities we have with chimps and Neanderthals? I believe there is little significance in using DNA to determine the difference between creatures. Just as there are blends in populations, as in myself a blend of Native American and European, a Patriarchal blessing reveals the true lineage (for me, it’s European, for my dad it’s Native American). Yes, the earth is older than 6,000 years. However, man has occupied it for only 6,000 years. Humans have and will go through a resurrection. Sufficiently righteous (without further responsibilities requiring them to pick their bodies up at a later time) humans who have already gone through a resurrection have picked their bones back up. Therefore the fossils we find today cannot be human—no matter how much they may have shared characteristics.

Animals, ancient fossil records, all flora and fauna, will not go through a resurrection until after all humans have. Again, the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

I used to believe science and to some degree religion is trying to hook these two puzzles together. I believe this to be a fallacy. I believe the controversy surrounding evolution and human development can be likened as two different puzzles thrown together in the same box. Humankind is trying to make sense of it, put the puzzles back together and still hasn’t accepted that they’re working with two separate puzzles, not all the same one. And I used to believe earth was organized of components of other heavenly matter-which may well have existed with evolution occurring for six billion years. Beasts were placed here from elsewhere. All matter has spirit to it. Only spirits that can become gods, those spirit children, offspring of God, are in human bodies.


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