I LOVE my Dog... I think

First you need to understand that the 2-year old loves the puppy. He grabs him in the middle and tackles him to the ground. The pup has to lick the 2-year old to death to finally get him to release his iron-clad hug on the dog's middle-who must be nearly suffocated before this point of release.

So I'm enjoying a quick breakfast before I dress for work. My 2 year old grandson comes toddling into the kitchen and using his 2 year old language skills points to the front room and emphatically says, "Poop."

I'm thinking I'm not hearing him right, he normally says, "Aieron poop". So I ask him if he is. "No. Poop."

Did you go poop in the front room. "No. Poop."

Is there poop in the front room.

"Uh huuuhh!"

So I finally get up and give him my hand and ask, "Did the puppy go poopy in the front room?"

"Uh huuuhh!" escapes his mouth as he hauls me to the front room.

Sure enough. The puppy went poopy on my carpet. I captured the cowering mutt, rub his nose in it, swat his back end and toss him out the back door with a loud, "NO!"

Then the said 2-year old follows me around still telling me there's puppy poop in the front room as I gather rags, rug cleaner, paper towel and newspaper to clean the mess up. It's almost comical-he's so upset about it and is causing me to trip over him while I try to get the stuff to clean it up.

Yip-ya gotta love the puppy. He comes back in to the house later and acts as though he was innocent and it was all the 2-year old who did anything wrong.

Silly puppy.


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